RTF Speakers, Series and Colloquium
RTF presents numerous opportunities for students to gain knowledge, insight and exposure to professional and academic experts. Impressive invited guests and current faculty and graduate students share stories, research, tips and guidance that inspire our community.

Each year, in addition to our scheduled series and colloquium, RTF students benefit from a variety of guest speakers, special screenings and craft lectures that provide a behind-the-scenes look at film and television, festivals, career opportunities and more. Students have exclusive access to department alumni, guests, and friends for in-depth conversations and unique experiences that enhance their education.

Media Industry Conversations
This series invites students to meet and learn from a broad array of professionals in the media and entertainment industries. Guests discuss their career trajectories, give advice for the next generation of media leaders, and share insights on today’s entertainment landscape.

Latino Media Arts and Studies Speaker Series
To support the growth of Latina/o/x film, television and media; inspire student media makers and scholars; and to foster Latina/o/x media studies scholarship, this series hosts a range of media makers, screenwriters and scholars who share their work and personal stories of working in and studying Latinx media storytelling.
Media Studies Colloquium
Designed to expose students to the diversity of media studies scholarship, this colloquium enables advanced graduate students to present work related to their dissertation projects, provides models for research presentations, and offers a platform for discourse. RTF faculty and visiting scholars also give presentations.